Post Type:news Half Of All Ad Campaigns Will Be Multiscreen By 2016 | Viamedia

More multiscreen advertising campaigns are on the way.

In three years, about half of all media campaigns are expected to be multiscreen campaigns, according to a study from the Association of National Advertisers and Nielsen. Multiscreen is defined as two or more screens — TV, computer, tablet, mobile phone and digital place-based media — running in a similar time frame.

Estimates are that only 20% of current ad campaigns are multiscreen campaigns.

The biggest issue — and perhaps confusion — over multiscreen campaigns is measurement. While 71% said they currently use a variety of metrics that are specific to individual screens, 73% said they would prefer to use just one set of metrics across all screens.

What should those metrics do? Sixty-six percent of media executives from clients to agencies to sellers want to know if advertising was delivered to the desired audience — using reach, frequency and GRPs, per the study.

Another 67% want to know if the advertising produced the desired effect, using brand lift metrics of awareness, likeability and purchase intent.

Right now, 71% of those surveyed said they are not currently managing multiscreen campaigns in a fully integrated manner — managing their individual media platforms separately.

The online survey was conducted during July and August of 2013 and was comprised of 274 people — 119 client-side marketers, 80 media sellers and 75 agency executives. The executives averaged 17 years of experience.

Source: MediaPost, 11/1/13