
Viamedia is committed to giving back to the community. Through a partnership with the Ad Council and leveraging cable television’s ability to reach local audiences, Viamedia provides support to family and community charities such as United Way, Feeding America and Goodwill.

Learn more about our partnership with Ad Council and Viamedia’s commitment to social causes here:

Read full press release here: Viamedia Announces $2 Million in Donated Advertising Time for Ad Council Campaigns that Address Social Causes


The Ad Council is a private, non-profit organization with a rich history of marshalling volunteer talent from the advertising and media industries to deliver critical messages to the American public. Having produced literally thousands of PSA campaigns addressing the most pressing social issues of the day, the Ad Council has affected, and continues to affect, tremendous positive change by raising awareness, inspiring action and saving lives. To learn more about the Ad Council and its campaigns, visit, like them on, follow them on Twitter @adcouncil or view our PSAs on YouTube.

Learn more about these campaigns: