LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 08/03/06 – Viamedia announced today they have hired John Moran to lead their Boston sales market.
Moran is a seasoned Boston media veteran. He began his Boston media career in 1986 as an account executive for an area newspaper and migrated to cable in 1992 when the industry was experiencing significant growth and change. His talents led him to become a top tier salesperson and also led to subsequent positions as an LSM and GSM for Comcast’s large Boston organization.
Moran “officially” previously worked for one cable organization. However, through mergers and acquisitions, John has worked for Continental Cable, MediaOne Cable, AT&T Media Services and Comcast Spotlight. John was most recently the Co-Founder and Senior Partner in Country Club Communications, a full service Boston advertising agency.
“John’s diverse successful experience in this industry and his knowledge of the local market will prove invaluable to Viamedia’s efforts in the Boston market,” says Viamedia President Jeff Carter. “We are pleased to have him join our team.”
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